Alexa Eleftheriadis – The Healing Nomad

Verbindungen im Traveraum:

Ansprechpartner & Kontakt:

Angebote, Qualifikationen & Kurzbeschreibung:

  • Reiki
  • Transformational Massage
  • Energy Work
  • Reflexology
  • Access Consciousness Bars
  • Sophia Matrix
  • Yoga
  • Reiki Distance Healing
  • Young Living – Aromatherapie
  • Raindrop-Massage
  • Schwitzhüttenzeremonien

„My vision is to help people around the world to become the best version of themselves. Through the past years, I myself have been on the journey of developing, changing, learning, improving and healing. I have experienced many different things, have learned different healing modalities and helped many people around the world. I wish to help you on your journey as well, starting right where you are and supporting you on your soul’s journey.  While I am helping others I want to create a beautiful community helping each other around the world, so we can all make this world a better place. You might think I am dreaming too big, but one step at a time even one single individual can make a change.“

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